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An Update from our Providers...
June 22, 2022
Mountain View Pediatrics now has Moderna vaccines for children age 6 months and older.
Please call our Morganton office to get your child scheduled.
Due to increasing vaccinations in adolescents and adults, in addition to masking and good hand hygiene, the infection rate in Burke County has dropped below 1%. Even if you or your child has been infected with Covid-19, this does not mean you are immune for life; many people have been infected (and even hospitalized) a second time. The best available evidence recommends that you get vaccinated (12 weeks after a positive COVID test) in order to protect yourself against illness from future SARS-CoV-2 mutations. To date, more than 700 children have died in the US from complications of COVID-19.
All employees and clinicians at Mountain View Pediatrics have been vaccinated against COVID-19. We are mandated to wear masks in the office, and we continue to ask all patients (over 2 years), parents and other family members to wear a face covering when inside the office.
In terms of testing, we have in-office PCR (DNA-based) COVID testing which is available in 15 minutes. This test is more sensitive than the antigen test. For patients who just require testing due to exposure, we are sending those tests to our reference lab (LabCorp) which provides a result usually within 24-48 hours. All of our COVID results are faxed to the child’s school, and they are entered into the state health department’s COVID registry.
COVID Vaccine Clinic's
At this time we do not have any further clinics scheduled - to get your child vaccinated please call the Morganton Office at 828-433-4484 to schedule and appointment.

Great Resources
Helping Individuals with Autism Wear Face Masks
NC DHHS COVID-19: COVID-19 North Carolina Dashboard
NCDHHS - Steps for People After COVID-19 Testing
Return to School During COVID-19
COVID-19 Transmission and Children: The Child Is Not to Blame
See how masks reduce spread of covid-19

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